Rotor Test Stands

Rotor Test Stands

Comprehensive Service
Comprehensive Service
State of the Art Facility
Sub-scale to Full-scale
Helicopter Test Experts
Helicopter Expertise
Rotor Test Stands CCAD Whirl Tower

Design and Manufacture of Helicopter and Tilt-rotor Rotor Test Stands

Calspan’s experienced design and manufacturing team has been supporting rotorcraft OEM’s and test facilities around the world with engineering and fabrication of model scale and full scale rotor test stands for more than 30 years.

Our team can develop, assemble and install development and production stands for both wind tunnel and turn-key Whirl Tower applications. Calspan’s engineers and technicians provide on-site support during installation, commissioning and production cycles.


All rotor test stands include control and data acquisition systems.

Whirl Tower track and balance system is state-of-the-art.

Full six-component balance design is recognized as the Aerospace industry standard.

Model and full scale tilt-rotor test stand designs have been developed for wind tunnel applications.

Universal rotor hub designs provide flexibility for both development and MRO activities.

Full scale stands are available with direct drive electric motors eliminating the need for costly and high maintenance gearboxes.

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